Matthew graduated in June 2008 from Tottenville High school, Staten Island, New York, he was set to leave for The U.S Navy Boot camp early 2009. His career choice followed his heart and ambition to serve and help others in need. It is very important to our family that Matthew’s extraordinary personality be honored, remembered and celebrated, and equally important bring joy to others.
In memory and honor of our brother, we have formed The Matthew Nierenberg Memorial Foundation, a non profit organization committed and dedicated to helping others. Our primary mission is to provide an annual scholarship to a deserving youth. The Matthew Nierenberg “Heart of Gold” Scholarship is a fund that will be awarded to a senior high school student for use in continuing education. The scholarship will be awarded to the student that exemplifies Matt’s persona best. To support our cause, we will be hosting events and fundraisers, you can also follow us on Facebook.